Thursday, September 11, 2008

Happy Birthday Annabelle!!!

It's hard to believe Annabelle Joy is 5 years old today! She's such a delightful child and her middle name describes her well. She loves to laugh and make others laugh and we enjoy her silliness immensely. As the second oldest child in the family, she is an extremely helpful big sister. She often plays with Pearl and wants to shower her with love all the time. Pearl's feelings toward Annabelle are mutual. Ava and Annabelle are only 17 months apart and they also have a special relationship and enjoy being together. Annabelle also loves to play with her oldest sister, Sophia Rose, and together they often pretend they are the Box Car children or the Cul-de-Sac kids. Annabelle loves dramatic play so they dress up and pretend all the time.

We are so thankful for our daughter and we thank you for celebrating her with us!


1 comment:

Jess said...

You have a beautiful family! Thanks for your comment on our blog. It is so nice to know other families in the same boat as we are. (what a wonderful boat it is!)

Love your blog. Happy Birthday Annabelle!